Friday 28 September 2012


MOBO nominated UK girl band Stooshe greeted eager fans who awaited their arrival at Southampton Solent University on the 27th of September. The girls had long anticipated the announcement of who was going be their guest speaker during their induction week at Solent. Rumours had flown around about who was going to be arriving, but on the announcement of it being Stooshe, they were more than eager to get involved. 

The journey started for Alex, Karis and Courtney in 2010 when they were scouted while out shopping in Topshop. Courtney said she ‘didn’t take it seriously and laughed throughout both of her auditions’ but she thanks someone above for giving her the chance to succeed and be part of this amazing girl band. In the space of a year they have gone from performing to 10 people at the Wireless festival last year to an amazing 12,000 people at Bestival earlier on this summer. 

The girls went on to sing their chart topping single ‘Black Heart’ for the eager fans, this was greatly appreciated and many of the girls were keen to ask questions at the end of the session. The girls where asked ‘What other singers inspire them?’ they’re responses were so varied from the pop work of Usher to the soulful songs of Tina Turner. 

They gave the girls some real inspiration and advice for the future in that ‘don’t try and be someone else’ and ‘be confident about who you are’ and this was really shown through the individuality of each of the girls outfits, from wacky bandana’s to quirky trainers. 

All the girls were truly inspired and grateful for such an opportunity and this will remain with them for the rest of their writing careers, and boost their confidence to succeed.