Monday 10 December 2012

3 month reflection? Needed!

So this term is nearing and end and it has been a whirlwind right. I have gone from being extremely happy and loving life to being very down and being on the verge of wanting to to quit and go home. I nearly quit in the first week when I first saw what we'd be doing in Magazine Journalism, I just didn't think it would suit me and if I would be able to do it. But now that I am about to submit my first 3 assignments for Journalism I am on a high and loving the course.

I have learnt so much about myself over the past three months of being at university. I have learnt the following:

  • I am capable of living on my own. 
  • I am capable of looking after myself, be this cooking, washing, cleaning and general stuff. 
  • I am able to make new friends easily. 
  • I am actually good at writing. 
Drawing on the last point, I never doubted myself but you don't want to be big headed about yourself and say 'I am so good at this,' when in actual honesty you may not be. But I know I am able to write coherently and I am so proud of the fact that I have been able to have my articles published. 

I have just uploaded 2/3 of my assignments and boy was that daunting! I didn't want to press the 'submit' button, never have I been so scared to press the left key on my laptop. 

What have your highlights of the last three months been?