Saturday 9 March 2013

Volunteering leads to bargain buys!

I have recently started volunteering once a week at the local charity shop in Southampton. It all started after my mum suggested to me that she knew I was often bored when I had no uni and no uni work to do, so she sent me off to get the volunteer form. 

I am actually really glad that I am doing it as it not only gets me out of the dreary four walls I call my uni bedroom but also gets me out interacting with people from the local community. I meet people from all different walks of life. At the end you have a really satisfying feeling about yourself, I feel proud and that I have done a job well! 

Now that I am volunteering I have noticed some bargain buys so I thought I might share these with you. 

This bag was £4.99 but I get 25% staff discount so it was a bargain £3.50 and it is in really good condition! 

I also got this book, J K Rowling's Casual Vacancy was £2 I got it for £1.50, and its RRP is £20!! 

That's all from me on the new volunteering job, and sorry for the neglection on the blog guys!