Sunday 18 January 2015

The Fault In Our Stars: Film Review

Recently I went to see The Fault In Our Stars, after having seen the advert many a time and thinking "this film is certainly going to make you cry" I decided that it was time I went to see it. I'm not one for wanting to see the film before I've read the book as I feel it ruins it for me, but unfortunately there was no time for me to read the book before the film!

It was safe to say I was crying from the minute the film started to the minute it finished, the film was well crafted and the dynamics between the two main characters was visible all the way through the film. As soon as the film finished I knew this was a book that I had to buy and that I would not be disappointed by.

I would say this film is suitable for all ages but you definitely need to go into it with a box of tissues and be prepared to feel like your heart has been ripped out. There were so many emotions running through me afterwards I didn't know what to say, I was incredibly speechless.

When home at christmas I watched the film again, as I just loved it so much the first time that I felt watching it the once did not do it justice. It did not fail to make me cry once again, even though I knew exactly what was going to happen I just couldn't help but bawl my eyes out from start to finish.

It's safe to say that i'll probably watch this film a good 2/3 more times and it will probably still have exactly the same affect on me!

I am going to rate this film 4 *'s out of 5!