Friday 4 January 2013


I have just been scrolling through my Twitter feed and I have just come across what is called the 'accent' nail. The idea is that you paint all your nails the same colour, except that of the one next to your pinky. You then paint this one a different colour, and it is said to make it stand out more.

I am yet to try this out, but I am going to have to try it out and let you know how it goes. Pictures will proceed this post. But for now here is an example of the 'accent' nail.

I really like this accent nail design as it really stands out from the neutral colours of the other nails besides it. Also how great is it that you can say "Yes I am wearing converse, on my nails!" 

What design would you do for your accent nail? 

None of the pictures shown are mine. 

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