Sunday 18 January 2015

The Fault In Our Stars: Film Review

Recently I went to see The Fault In Our Stars, after having seen the advert many a time and thinking "this film is certainly going to make you cry" I decided that it was time I went to see it. I'm not one for wanting to see the film before I've read the book as I feel it ruins it for me, but unfortunately there was no time for me to read the book before the film!

It was safe to say I was crying from the minute the film started to the minute it finished, the film was well crafted and the dynamics between the two main characters was visible all the way through the film. As soon as the film finished I knew this was a book that I had to buy and that I would not be disappointed by.

I would say this film is suitable for all ages but you definitely need to go into it with a box of tissues and be prepared to feel like your heart has been ripped out. There were so many emotions running through me afterwards I didn't know what to say, I was incredibly speechless.

When home at christmas I watched the film again, as I just loved it so much the first time that I felt watching it the once did not do it justice. It did not fail to make me cry once again, even though I knew exactly what was going to happen I just couldn't help but bawl my eyes out from start to finish.

It's safe to say that i'll probably watch this film a good 2/3 more times and it will probably still have exactly the same affect on me!

I am going to rate this film 4 *'s out of 5!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

...And it happened again

So once again I have managed to neglect the blog again, I keep saying to myself "you better get blogging!" but I never do, after having recently read a friends really good blog I am inspired to try my hand at it again. I am yet to decide what I will write about but I hope whatever it is I write, someone out there will find it of some interest.

Keep your eyes peeled and watch this space!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Recent fashion buys.

It is unlike me to blog about fashion and clothing that I have bought, but I thought that I might give it a go as I think the few items which I have bought recently are fairly nice and worth the share. 

This pair of sandals is from Next in the sale, they were originally
£30 but I got them for £14. I thought this was a good bargain. 
They are very comfortable and they are in fashion this season. 

The top above is also from Next and was in the sale at £8. It is nice
and soft on the outside. It looks great as above or with a coloured top

I thought a perfect match to go with the top would be this red cardigan.
Also from Next this only cost £9. It is great for the cool summer evenings. 

Above are a pair of H and M sunglasses which I thought would
be great this season for pairing with any outfit.
They cost £5.99 which I did not think was bad at all. 

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you liked my purchases. 

Tuesday 9 July 2013

UPDATE: What has been happening?

Sorry I've disappeared off the blogging radar recently but things have been hectic, to say the least. Finished university for the summer over two months ago and I have been non stop working since then. I honestly did not think that I would get a job as quickly and as easily as I did. I am working part time for Card Factory in Cambridge, it is a pretty relaxed job. I am enjoying my time there, and the people I work with are hilarious. 

It is safe to say that I probably wont want to go back to university, but I know once I get back there I'll get into the swing of things again. There are times when I am at home and I miss being at uni. I mainly miss the freedom I had there. Do not get me wrong I love my family to pieces but I miss not having to ask to go somewhere or do something when I am in Southampton.

One of the perks of being at home is that I pretty much get to see my boyfriend whenever I want, which is something I really missed when I was at university. I suppose I took it for granted that he'd be there whenever I needed him at home, that when I was away it just did not seem right. I suppose it is like taking a bone away from a dog, or a toy away from a child. You do not truly miss them until they're not by your side all the time. 

I've been learning to drive this summer and so far I think things have been a success. I am trying to have two lessons a week which is tough to fit in around work, but I am managing to work it out. I would love to pass before I go back to Southampton but we will just have to see how things go and how I progress. 

It is hard to believe that I only have about two months left at home before I go back to university and I am a second year. I cannot believe how fast the first year went. I had my fair share of ups and downs but I made it through. Now to just wait until the seventeenth for my results of my first year. Will keep you updated. 

That is all from me now. 

I really need to stop neglecting my blog. I'll blog soon... I promise.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Volunteering leads to bargain buys!

I have recently started volunteering once a week at the local charity shop in Southampton. It all started after my mum suggested to me that she knew I was often bored when I had no uni and no uni work to do, so she sent me off to get the volunteer form. 

I am actually really glad that I am doing it as it not only gets me out of the dreary four walls I call my uni bedroom but also gets me out interacting with people from the local community. I meet people from all different walks of life. At the end you have a really satisfying feeling about yourself, I feel proud and that I have done a job well! 

Now that I am volunteering I have noticed some bargain buys so I thought I might share these with you. 

This bag was £4.99 but I get 25% staff discount so it was a bargain £3.50 and it is in really good condition! 

I also got this book, J K Rowling's Casual Vacancy was £2 I got it for £1.50, and its RRP is £20!! 

That's all from me on the new volunteering job, and sorry for the neglection on the blog guys! 

Sunday 27 January 2013

Turtle Bay

Today I visited the restaurant Turtle Bay. I have never been here before but it was suggested by a friend that we went for cocktails. I ended up having like a mocktail as I was not really feeling like alcohol. 

We then went on to dine there. We all chose the pulled chicken burger which was absolutely fabulous! 

I would recommend this burger to all those who are not keen on beef burgers. The chicken was perfectly shredded off the bone and tossed in jerk seasoning and served with coleslaw and fries. It was priced at a very good £6.00 which was great value for money. 

Turtle Bay is situated not far from Southampton Solent University conference centre and it is a great place for a chat with friends, in a lovely environment.  

Here is me at Turtle Bay taken by