Tuesday 2 October 2012

I don’t want my name in lights, I want my name in print.

From a young age writing and reading magazines was something I was always passionate about, I liked the colorful style of Glamour magazine and the in depth life stories within. They always hooked me to become someone who could entice others into reading the stories I felt most passionate about. It was from then on that I knew a career in writing or journalism was for me.

I worked hard in GCSE and A Level English to fully achieve my potential and to really refine my skills as a writer and become as good as I could be while still craving to be better than I was. Being creative and being able to just sit and write stories is what made me tick. I would be constantly reading and as my dad would point out ‘I always had a book in my hand’. I look at my dad and think that he is where I got my inspiration for reading from as I’d always see him reading, and like every little girl its their dream to grow up and make their father proud.

This leads me on to where I am today, making the decision to come to University was one that I took with great thought, I weighed up the pro’s and con’s but eventually I came to the decision that this is where I wanted to be, and this is the beginning of the rest of my life. No matter what twist and turns I take over the next three years, I know deep down that no matter what I will have made my parents proud, and I will be doing the subject I love, and creating the stories that will make others tick.

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