Saturday 6 October 2012

Today we were asked to give our thoughts.

When I think through where my love of reading and writing came from , I remember it was from an early age. I know it was from my father as mentioned in the previous blog post, but if I think about it from an academic side I think it was from secondary, when we had a really bubbly, chatty, full of life teacher from America. She pushed us to do our best and be the best we could be. It was from there on that I began to love reading a lot more and it became like a daily routine.

Reading for enjoyment was something I had always done and something I will always carry on doing. But I feel there was a turning point in secondary school when I hit GCSE's and realised that reading was also for looking at the texts you may not have thought yourself you would ever read. It was about being open minded, and open to any text which would be thrown at you. Not physically, metaphorically. One of the texts which was thrown my way, was Dickens, Great Expectations. On first glance it looks like a really daunting book but I picked it up, persevered with it and came to love it. Maybe it helped that I got an A* on the coursework we did using the book, but that is besides the point. I especially loved it when the BBC turned it in to a drama, with the gorgeous Douglas Booth. 3 hours of watching it was certainly worth it. 

 A Level English introduced me to a book which at first I dreaded, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. On first reading it I really didn't get it, and was thinking how am I ever going to pass my A level! But on second reading, and with help from the teacher and worksheets I really enjoyed it and I am not ashamed to say that it is probably a book I would not hesitate to read again. 

There are many books on my university course which I know I am going to grow to love. 

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