Tuesday 16 October 2012

VoxPop: Buzzed or disastrous.

Today we did our first voxpops of the year, when I was told we'd be going out to get the 'voices of the people' my heart sunk. I thought this was going to be a hard challenge, as sometimes I am not the greatest when it comes to talking to strangers...but I must say I got a real buzz from it. 

We came up with a strategy for getting the opinions of the general public, we went for the approach of going up to people in the park, as A) They would be sitting on benches so we could easily talk to them. (If they have time to sit on a bench in the city centre then I am pretty sure they have time to talk to me) and B) they can't run away from me, the least they can do is say 'No'. 

Approaching the first woman was daunting, I though to myself, breath, think it through and go for it. I don't think I came across as intimidating, so to ease the pressure of the lady answering my questions, I sat down with her. (This seemed the most logical idea) and it worked well, as I think she became more comfortable with talking to me. 

Later on in lecture, it came up in conversation within the class about do's and dont's of the voxpops. Some people said they found  it went really disastrous and not at all well, whereas others like myself didn't find it as daunting as I first thought it would be. 

So look out Southampton I'll be on the look out for more of your opinions. 

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