Tuesday 6 November 2012

Jamming at The Shooting Star

The Shooting Star Pub in Bevois Valley, played host to 3 emerging bands last night one of which has been nominated for an MTV award.

Oxjam started in 2006 and since then almost 45,000 musicians have played to over 900,000 people at around 3,500 Oxjam events nationwide.

Pale Seas, Mothbites and Silver Spirits were the bands, which performed, live last night for eager punters.

MTV nominated, Pale Seas a Southampton born four piece, very popular amongst the younger generation in Southampton were the main reason behind people attending the Oxjam event at the pub.

Darrell Swainston, 27, from Southampton, told how his “friend advertised the gig,” and he was most looking forward to “Pale Seas because I haven’t seen them before.”

Heidi Nolan, 31, Support Worker from Southampton was helping out on the night with fundraising. Her main reason for attending the night was to “support the pub and the music.”

Events like this within the community really help with Oxfam’s fundraising because it gets “young people involved through music” said Heidi Nolan. 

Jake Lloids, 23, from Oxford, “used to play free gigs at The Bent Reef” so knows how it feels to be in the shoes of the bands playing. He feels “if it’s free people are up for giving something,” because they don’t want to feel like a “freeloader.”

So far Oxjam has raised over £1.7million for Oxfam.

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