Saturday 17 November 2012

A successful move.

After what was a very rough and saddening time living in Chantry, I have now made the successful move across to Kimber. 

I honestly was not feeling myself and I was at my wits end with everything which was going on. I wasn't eating and generally was not in the best of states. If you know me, you'll know that it is not like me to get like that. 

It was a long agonising wait for the YES that I would definitely be getting keys on Thursday 15th to my new room. My mum was definitely on edge waiting to hear that I would get my keys and when I got them I nearly cried! 

Friday came and so did my parents. It was so lovely to see them, and I really appreciated the fact that they had taken a day off to come down and move me to make sure I was in a happier, friendlier environment. 

It was sad that I had to leave Chantry and it felt like going to university all over again, packing away that small room was hard, and tiring. Eventually we got it all moved across, and everything was falling into place. 

It is lovely having an en-suite and not having to face the embarrassment of having to pick up your hefty loo roll every time you need the toilet. (Especially embarrassing for the boys!) 

Here's a picture of my new room... 

It's such a nice spacious room, which means I can actually walk around and not feel like I am constantly on top of a desk, or going to trip over something. 

I am making a pact to myself and my parents to keep it tidy, clean it weekly, and clean my bathroom. It will definitely prepare me for later on in life. 

I am now looking forward to the arrival of my boyfriend, Ryan for six days,this will be really nice as I haven't seen him in about 3 weeks, but it seems like forever! 

Going to relax now with some telly and then skype. 

Peace and love xx

(I would be grateful for any feedback on things I can improve.)

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