Saturday 17 November 2012

Patch Patch Patch

Over the past few weeks this has been the word which has constantly been on the end of my tongue. I am always asking people "Have you been to your patch?", it's become a habit! 

Tomorrow I am going to head out to my patch in search of some fresh and crisp stories! Something which will tickle the taste bud's of the readers of Solent Splash. 

I was an editor for the past two weeks, and boy was it stressful! But it was also so AMAZING at the same time. I got such a buzz off it and it is one of my future dreams! To be sitting running my own glossy print magazine, telling others where and what to do. (We can all dream!)

 I'm thinking that this weeks stories are probably going to be Christmas related as it's getting to that time of year again. But those will be of interest. I'm hoping there's going to plenty of signs around pointing me in the directions of stories. 

Sometimes I think to myself, you must look like such a right stalker, just wondering round the streets of Southampton, curiously peeping into shop windows and thinking has this got potential? 

Admittedly it is a lot harder than I thought it would be but once the hard bit is over, (the getting stories) you're buzzing and you get them written in no time. Just got to work on getting a strong picture and tomorrow I am going to go armed with my digital camera! 

Peace and love xx

(I would be grateful for any feedback on things I can improve.)

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