Sunday 27 January 2013

First week back at uni.

So we've been back in teaching for 1 week now. It's been pretty slow to start with because we haven't really done much as we are being told what we are going to be doing and so on and so forth. 

In English we are continuing on with our Cultural Fragments lectures and are looking at four more books (Frankenstein, The Rover, Macbeth and Beloved) these shall be interesting as I have never read them before. We are now moving on to a new module called Making and Reading poetry. This is going to be new to me as I have studied poetry in the past but I have always found it can become a little dry and boring. However my lecturers are very quirky and outgoing so I think they will definitely make my study of it a lot more interesting. 

This term we are only studying one module for Magazine Journalism, some may be a bit disheartened by this but I think as we had a very hectic and full on first term, with Splash and learning the basics to Journalism this is a well deserved break. 

We will be studying the module of Layout and Visualisation. This module requires us to find a 600 word feature that we will be expected to do the double page spread and magazine cover for. We are using Adobe In Design to do this, and this will all be new to me as I have never used anything like that, so it will be really good to learn the basics. 

As we are required to make mood boards of the things we like for the module I bought myself a A4 scapbook which was nicely priced at £2.99 from The Works, oh and I got a bit of student discount too. 

I think I am going to thoroughly enjoy this term as it will be interesting and allow me to develop skills which I may not have had before. 

Let me know what you're most looking forward to this term at uni. 

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