Sunday 27 January 2013

Review | One Day by David Nicholls

A love story full of twists and turns and heartbreak makes this book a must have read of the year.

Having first watched the film when it first came out in the cinema, I was intrigued to read the book. Lying on the beach in Majorca was the perfect place for this romance novel, it was a hooker from page one; I just couldn’t put it down.

The novel opens with the main characters Dexter and Emma, celebrating their graduation and spending the night together, and this is where their romance begins. The day is St Swithins Day and this is where the novel follows them every day for the next twenty years.

The twists in the novel such as the parting of Dexter and Emma, in their early 30’s was what kept me reading, I just couldn’t not find out what happened to them, it was almost as if I was in their world, I had been transported into the book, which doesn’t usually happen to me.

Dexter was a character which really frustrated me, he was big headed and didn’t know what he wanted and just messed Emma around, although as the novel progressed we saw him in a different light, one which made us like him even more.

Eventually he was a character which we’d grow to love even if we didn’t want to.
I certainly think this is a book worth reading and one that didn’t fail to amaze me and I would happily read it again, and who knows I might have the same reaction to the ending again, and so may you.

This book is easy to get hold of and you’ll find it in most charity shops, so you’ll not only be getting a good book but a good bargain.

The book is well worth 4/5 stars, and should take pride on everyone’s bookshelf. David Nicholls has truly made this book come to life in this modern 21st century age and the film won’t disappoint.

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