Tuesday 20 November 2012

We found love...in a hopeless place?

I've just been trawling through youtube videos, watching random ones...and I thought when coming across Rihanna - Diamonds, that I really relate to her, and over the past few years a lot of her songs have reflected either what I've felt or what i've been going through. 

I especially find this true of We Found Love, especially the beginning where she is just reflecting and talking and she says:

'It’s like you’re screaming, but no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important, that without them you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless like nothing can save you. And when it’s over and it’s gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back so you could have the good.'

I always hear these lyrics at the beginning and sit and reflect on them, and I must admit the first time I heard them I cried. They really touched me, very much like Nicki Minaj's new song Freedom which I heard for the first time today, it got a lump in my throat and for a song by Nicki this is something which is really rare. 

Her songs are usually really upbeat and you just want to jump around so to be actually touched by a Nicki song is a big thing for me and many other people. 

What songs have touched you on first listen? Leave your comments below. :) 

Hitting the catwalk for Hitchcock premiere.

Stars hit the catwalk last Friday for the premiere of this years movie 'Hitchcock' which is the latest work of Sacha Gervasi

Hitchcock highlights the love story between Alfred Hitchcock himself and his wife, during the film Psycho in 1960 and has been named a 'biographical comedy-drama.'

Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson were amongst the star studded line up of this years blockbuster movie which premiered in New York earlier this week. 

Helen Mirren joins this line up and takes on the role of 'Hitch's wife Alama. She looked amazing in a black and gold embroidered number, which showed off her figure. 

 Johansson wore a cheeky little green dress, which certainly got the crowd going, she definitely flaunted it.

Twitter has been flying with discussion of the new movie, and the excitement is immense. The hashtag #Hitchcock has been trending with stars such as Jessica Biel herself uploading pictures of the premiere as it happened. 

 Hitchcock is set to hit our screens in February 2013, but for now lets admire his earlier work and really appreciate what great work he has done in his lifetime.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Patch Patch Patch

Over the past few weeks this has been the word which has constantly been on the end of my tongue. I am always asking people "Have you been to your patch?", it's become a habit! 

Tomorrow I am going to head out to my patch in search of some fresh and crisp stories! Something which will tickle the taste bud's of the readers of Solent Splash. 

I was an editor for the past two weeks, and boy was it stressful! But it was also so AMAZING at the same time. I got such a buzz off it and it is one of my future dreams! To be sitting running my own glossy print magazine, telling others where and what to do. (We can all dream!)

 I'm thinking that this weeks stories are probably going to be Christmas related as it's getting to that time of year again. But those will be of interest. I'm hoping there's going to plenty of signs around pointing me in the directions of stories. 

Sometimes I think to myself, you must look like such a right stalker, just wondering round the streets of Southampton, curiously peeping into shop windows and thinking has this got potential? 

Admittedly it is a lot harder than I thought it would be but once the hard bit is over, (the getting stories) you're buzzing and you get them written in no time. Just got to work on getting a strong picture and tomorrow I am going to go armed with my digital camera! 

Peace and love xx

(I would be grateful for any feedback on things I can improve.)

A successful move.

After what was a very rough and saddening time living in Chantry, I have now made the successful move across to Kimber. 

I honestly was not feeling myself and I was at my wits end with everything which was going on. I wasn't eating and generally was not in the best of states. If you know me, you'll know that it is not like me to get like that. 

It was a long agonising wait for the YES that I would definitely be getting keys on Thursday 15th to my new room. My mum was definitely on edge waiting to hear that I would get my keys and when I got them I nearly cried! 

Friday came and so did my parents. It was so lovely to see them, and I really appreciated the fact that they had taken a day off to come down and move me to make sure I was in a happier, friendlier environment. 

It was sad that I had to leave Chantry and it felt like going to university all over again, packing away that small room was hard, and tiring. Eventually we got it all moved across, and everything was falling into place. 

It is lovely having an en-suite and not having to face the embarrassment of having to pick up your hefty loo roll every time you need the toilet. (Especially embarrassing for the boys!) 

Here's a picture of my new room... 

It's such a nice spacious room, which means I can actually walk around and not feel like I am constantly on top of a desk, or going to trip over something. 

I am making a pact to myself and my parents to keep it tidy, clean it weekly, and clean my bathroom. It will definitely prepare me for later on in life. 

I am now looking forward to the arrival of my boyfriend, Ryan for six days,this will be really nice as I haven't seen him in about 3 weeks, but it seems like forever! 

Going to relax now with some telly and then skype. 

Peace and love xx

(I would be grateful for any feedback on things I can improve.)

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Jamming at The Shooting Star

The Shooting Star Pub in Bevois Valley, played host to 3 emerging bands last night one of which has been nominated for an MTV award.

Oxjam started in 2006 and since then almost 45,000 musicians have played to over 900,000 people at around 3,500 Oxjam events nationwide.

Pale Seas, Mothbites and Silver Spirits were the bands, which performed, live last night for eager punters.

MTV nominated, Pale Seas a Southampton born four piece, very popular amongst the younger generation in Southampton were the main reason behind people attending the Oxjam event at the pub.

Darrell Swainston, 27, from Southampton, told how his “friend advertised the gig,” and he was most looking forward to “Pale Seas because I haven’t seen them before.”

Heidi Nolan, 31, Support Worker from Southampton was helping out on the night with fundraising. Her main reason for attending the night was to “support the pub and the music.”

Events like this within the community really help with Oxfam’s fundraising because it gets “young people involved through music” said Heidi Nolan. 

Jake Lloids, 23, from Oxford, “used to play free gigs at The Bent Reef” so knows how it feels to be in the shoes of the bands playing. He feels “if it’s free people are up for giving something,” because they don’t want to feel like a “freeloader.”

So far Oxjam has raised over £1.7million for Oxfam.

Readers Go Wild.

More people have started reading since the Books for Free store relocated to Bevois Valley, and so far nearly 4,000 books have been given away.

The free bookshop on Onslow Road, which is part of the Third Age Community Centre, faced struggles earlier on this year when asked to move from the bookshop in Southampton high street.

Fifty-two year old, Cara Sandy, the head volunteer at Books for Free discussed her thoughts on how the book shop could become a “distribution point” for other charities within the local area.

Cara spoke of her visits to the local housing associations, who were “so enthusiastic,” about the thought of having books filling the shelves for residents to look at.

Martin Blair, 60, a volunteer at the bookshop spoke of his worries that the bookshops location was “not a good catchment area”, but he was extremely pleased with working within the bookshop as there is “no pressure.”

Martin previously volunteered at the teashop in Southampton General Hospital but found he was bored, as he did not get a paid job at the end; the bookshop is a great place for him to work as he has a very keen interest in History.

Darren Galpin, 39, of Portswood also volunteers in the shop and he believes the bookshop is a good way of “reaching out to the community” and that it’s not about the donations it is also about giving back to the community. 

This was written as part of my journalism course, I would be grateful for feedback on my piece and future pieces.