Sunday 27 January 2013

Turtle Bay

Today I visited the restaurant Turtle Bay. I have never been here before but it was suggested by a friend that we went for cocktails. I ended up having like a mocktail as I was not really feeling like alcohol. 

We then went on to dine there. We all chose the pulled chicken burger which was absolutely fabulous! 

I would recommend this burger to all those who are not keen on beef burgers. The chicken was perfectly shredded off the bone and tossed in jerk seasoning and served with coleslaw and fries. It was priced at a very good £6.00 which was great value for money. 

Turtle Bay is situated not far from Southampton Solent University conference centre and it is a great place for a chat with friends, in a lovely environment.  

Here is me at Turtle Bay taken by 

Review | Easy A

This fun loving comedy of 2010 will have everyone in stitches; it brings together the effects of what one lie can do with the romance that it can bring.

The film centres on teenage girl Olive Penderghast, and her life at college and a lie which turns in to rumours being spread all around the school. It starts to turn into people wanting to pay to have sex with her which doesn’t work out well.

I really enjoyed this film because I thought it really brought together the fun loving comedy of Emma Stone and how rumours can spread. Trying to solve the hurt she had made, Olive apologised through a series of webcasts.

I feel films like this are ones which should be admired because they show what it is like for a rumour to turn viral and how it not only effects one person but many people. As someone who suffered bullying myself I can really connect with the main character, Olive and understand what she is going through.

Having watched this film three times and every time I have watched it I fallen in love with it more. It never fails to make me laugh and the ending makes me smile so much.

I love the actors which have been chosen to star in this film, Emma Stone, Penn Badgly, Amanda Bynes and Stanley Tucci. They are all my favourite actors which make this film one that I love to watch.

I especially love Stanley Tucci in a more recent film The Hunger Games, he is his same witty self, and doesn’t fail to make me laugh, even though it’s a very violent film.

I would give this film 3/5 star as it is a fun comedy but it also a down to earth movie which makes us reflect on life. I would recommend that everyone watches this film and it can be picked up for no more than £5 in all major high street stores. It is definitely worth parting with your money for.

Review | Vampire Diaries Season 1

Hit American TV show The Vampire Diaries went off with a bang in 2009 when it first aired on our televisions, from the first episode I was hooked.

The show follows the life of Elena Gilbert, when she meets heartthrobs Stefan and Damon Salvatore who are the new boys in the town of Mystic Falls.

The series follows them as they all get to grips with the fact that there are vampires in town and also follows the love story of Stefan and Elena further on into the series.
I was hooked from the first episode as I have a real interest in vampires, it was a slow starting episode but it got better as it went on.

My favourite character in The Vampire Diaries is Damon Salvatore; he has mysterious eyes which make you love him and he is always cracking jokes which make him even more loveable.

Every episode he is doing something that makes me love him more, be this by cracking jokes or his sarcasm.

Season 1 was great as it started to slowly introduce us to the protagonist, Elena and all of the people around her. We find out from the start that her parents died in a car crash when Elena was younger. This really made us feel sorry for her and may be one of the reasons we carry on watching to find out how her and her brother Jeremy cope.

I would watch it religiously every Friday online after it had been aired in the US as I couldn’t bear to wait until a Tuesday to watch it in the UK. I have watched every season since and haven’t missed a single episode.

I would give this television series 5/5 stars at brings together a romantic love story and blood and vampires, making it an all round loveable programme to watch.

Season 2 and 3 are ones to watch as they delve more into the love story of Stefan and Elena and won’t fail to make you smile. Don’t miss them on ITV 2!

Review | One Day by David Nicholls

A love story full of twists and turns and heartbreak makes this book a must have read of the year.

Having first watched the film when it first came out in the cinema, I was intrigued to read the book. Lying on the beach in Majorca was the perfect place for this romance novel, it was a hooker from page one; I just couldn’t put it down.

The novel opens with the main characters Dexter and Emma, celebrating their graduation and spending the night together, and this is where their romance begins. The day is St Swithins Day and this is where the novel follows them every day for the next twenty years.

The twists in the novel such as the parting of Dexter and Emma, in their early 30’s was what kept me reading, I just couldn’t not find out what happened to them, it was almost as if I was in their world, I had been transported into the book, which doesn’t usually happen to me.

Dexter was a character which really frustrated me, he was big headed and didn’t know what he wanted and just messed Emma around, although as the novel progressed we saw him in a different light, one which made us like him even more.

Eventually he was a character which we’d grow to love even if we didn’t want to.
I certainly think this is a book worth reading and one that didn’t fail to amaze me and I would happily read it again, and who knows I might have the same reaction to the ending again, and so may you.

This book is easy to get hold of and you’ll find it in most charity shops, so you’ll not only be getting a good book but a good bargain.

The book is well worth 4/5 stars, and should take pride on everyone’s bookshelf. David Nicholls has truly made this book come to life in this modern 21st century age and the film won’t disappoint.

First week back at uni.

So we've been back in teaching for 1 week now. It's been pretty slow to start with because we haven't really done much as we are being told what we are going to be doing and so on and so forth. 

In English we are continuing on with our Cultural Fragments lectures and are looking at four more books (Frankenstein, The Rover, Macbeth and Beloved) these shall be interesting as I have never read them before. We are now moving on to a new module called Making and Reading poetry. This is going to be new to me as I have studied poetry in the past but I have always found it can become a little dry and boring. However my lecturers are very quirky and outgoing so I think they will definitely make my study of it a lot more interesting. 

This term we are only studying one module for Magazine Journalism, some may be a bit disheartened by this but I think as we had a very hectic and full on first term, with Splash and learning the basics to Journalism this is a well deserved break. 

We will be studying the module of Layout and Visualisation. This module requires us to find a 600 word feature that we will be expected to do the double page spread and magazine cover for. We are using Adobe In Design to do this, and this will all be new to me as I have never used anything like that, so it will be really good to learn the basics. 

As we are required to make mood boards of the things we like for the module I bought myself a A4 scapbook which was nicely priced at £2.99 from The Works, oh and I got a bit of student discount too. 

I think I am going to thoroughly enjoy this term as it will be interesting and allow me to develop skills which I may not have had before. 

Let me know what you're most looking forward to this term at uni. 

Friday 11 January 2013

Monday 7 January 2013

Mad for Miranda

Here is my first piece written and published for Velvet magazine.

I am so proud of myself.

What do you all think? 

Friday 4 January 2013


I have just been scrolling through my Twitter feed and I have just come across what is called the 'accent' nail. The idea is that you paint all your nails the same colour, except that of the one next to your pinky. You then paint this one a different colour, and it is said to make it stand out more.

I am yet to try this out, but I am going to have to try it out and let you know how it goes. Pictures will proceed this post. But for now here is an example of the 'accent' nail.

I really like this accent nail design as it really stands out from the neutral colours of the other nails besides it. Also how great is it that you can say "Yes I am wearing converse, on my nails!" 

What design would you do for your accent nail? 

None of the pictures shown are mine. 

Wednesday 2 January 2013


I am sorry for the neglection on the blog recently guys, I will get it back up and running.